Tag Archives: mask

#NewNormal for TAV Creations…

As Ontario looks at how to reopen businesses, I also am looking at how to safely conduct business in my  highly up-close and personal main operations.

I specialize in custom garments, making them with multiple appointments to ensure the look and fit are what my clientele wants in…

  • Bridal wear
  • Proms
  • Dance costumes

And even with these jobs I am often still looking at at least one fitting to ensure a good final result when providing…

  • Tailoring
  • bridal alterations
  • clothing repairs and renovations….

So what to do?

I have been making masks steadily since March 2020 , and I will continue to do so as demand exists, that will be one of the streams of income I will be dedicating time to. Curious? email me 

Be sure to use  #TAVMasketeer or #TAVMaskateer if you post a selfie in one I’ve made for you!

No-contact alterations will be available

 – you mark it, I sew it can work reasonably well for pant and sleeve hems, and likely straight skirts…contact me if you have projects like this to get finished!

This will also work for curtain hems, and repairs of clothing!

Resuming fittings with safety protocols in effect:

For my bridal clients and custom clientele who are looking at having their special garment made or altered/ tailored for a future event, I have been postponing fittings until we have a better flattening of the curve happening.  As we begin to open up, I will be looking at slowly setting up more appointments with the following protocols in place for my health and yours.

 both of us wearing masks -if you have your own cloth mask, cool, if not, let me know and I’ll make you one and will wash and  iron it to kill off germs right before you come.
wearing disposable plastic gloves or washing hands immediately upon entering < if you prefer to bring your own soap, I won’t be insulted, or you can use our bar soap in the bathroom>
-personal items kept to a minimum and put on the removable sheet on the futon in the studio – it gets removed and laundered after every appointment.
limit it to just 1 person coming in. We can set up a FaceTime or Skype over our internet with whoever wishes they could be here but cannot.
more efficient fittings…Fittings presently are  limited to 20-30 minutes, and I hope to reduce that, depending on what needs to be discussed.
I also plan to offer variety of platforms for video chats in advance of even meeting – so let me know if you want to explore that option!
Above all, I want to keep sewing, contributing to the economy and helping others when I can with donations when possible.
I look forward to the new adventures in creativity we will go on together!