Yesterday was launch day! – YAY
While I did leave with some stock – I think it went very well for the first exposure of the Eco-TAV products to the public! And that means I am not going crazy today in a panic for next weekend. Time to order fabric and supplies in a semi-leisurely fashion!
Even total strangers bought some!
That leads to my need to say thank you publicly to the many people who helped in the development stages of the Eco-TAV line!
My eco-survey respondants – I won’t list you all, but you can click back through my posts to see everyone who took the time to post their responses in my comments area – thanks so much! And thanks to those who tried to reply but were thwarted by the “submit” button 🙂
Official Testers: Jess, Treena, Katheryne, Gailene, Julia, Dar, Susi,Pia, Angelique, and Mireille willingly took time out of their days to connect with me, learn the folding technique, and tested my napkins and pouches and sent me feedback!
Secondary Testers: Dana and Cynthia – who spent some time playing with the products and gave me some of their feedback!
Sewing: Dana, again – Thanks for helping get those stacks of napkins sewn!
Website: Sara who was indispensable in helping me brainstorm the marketing ideas, designing the site, and helping me get my butt in gear to get it going! Tom too – but his thanks comes later…
Katheryne – special thanks for being a willing model that chilly morning!
First Customers: Andrew – first Ipod Touch case and Pouch! Susan – First custom ordered Ipod Touch case – not doing those often, but glad it worked out so well! Her pic is on the Eco-TAV Facebook page. The unknown person at the RA Centre who bought the first Eco-TAV Napkin/Pouch set and Diane – who was the first friend to buy the set!
Cynthia, who got up early to help me all day at the RA Centre! and has offered to do it again next weekend! And Linda, who was planning to help, but was struck down by the bug that has been hitting people – feel better, chicky!
And last but NEVER LEAST, Tom [ aka WTL].
He is beyond amazing when I get an idea in my head. He supports me, encourages me, and then does a lot of work to help me make it happen. We were up until 2 a.m. to get the site up on Saturday night/Sunday morning, and he did a phenomenal job getting our [ Sara’s, mine and his] ideas worked out as a functioning and beautiful website! He does the product photography for the site, all the nitty gritty stuff, and coming soon video work! What a guy – I am very lucky! he also makes the wonderful veggie soup that we live on most of the time – healthy and easy gets us through!
Thanks also to those who have commented on my Facebook Wall, sending their good energy and support!
I hope the minimum of this product line is to get us all thinking about our daily choices. The sky is the limit after that!