All posts by Tracey Vibert

I've been sewing since I was 12 and creating bridal gowns since 1987. Let's play!


I realize that entire industries are based on finding just the right combination of floral/musk/earthy/delicate scents to entice a new mate into your life, cover up potential body odours, and a myriad of other reasons.

But here’s the thing.

When I am doing a fitting, I am right there, up close and personal. And I am allergic to perfumes.  I have been since childhood, though I don’t think my parents realized why I was so off the wall moody at times.

Besides a well known fact amongst my friends – a Fed Tracey is a Happy Tracey, another fact becoming known in my circles of both friends and now clients, be Scent-free to keep Tracey fully functioning.

Speaking of functioning, I appreciate a functioning deodorant for those folks with extreme body odour. But unless you have that problem, you probably don’t smell bad. Really, you don’t.

You probably wash yourself often enough, otherwise you wouldn’t be in a position to have clothes made/altered.

So I ask you, perfume…Really?

And it’s not just me.  Check out this article on Carfleurbon -Perfume: The New Second Hand Smoke…


Are we hyper-sensitive ? Yeah, probably.

But that’s the backlash of having our senses lambasted with so much stimulation for so many years – be it wheat, smoke, dairy, peanuts, shellfish or any one of the other hundreds of allergens out there, we over do things, and then our bodies rebel.

I was never into perfume, nor smoking. But I was exposed to it during my childhood from every possible source – it was the 70’s and 80’s after all.  And a few years back I had to start vocalizing my discomfort around people who did not realize that their habits were making me ill.  A lot of people have been fighting this battle with much more vehemence than me and kudos to those squeaky wheels.

I try to be nice about it, and remove myself when I can, but really, at some point, the “users” are the ones who need to be the “better person” and stop smoking around me, stop wearing heavy perfumes { natural or synthetic, makes no difference for my nausea meter – DING DING!}.

THANK YOU to all of my very good friends and total strangers who do this!  You folks are considerate,  appreciated and an example to everyone else!

But “everyone else” can be really unaware.  Unfortunately we then have to rely on legislation to protect us from the unsafe as well as the merely inconsiderate.  Every step the government takes to limit my exposure to these toxic for me substances, I applaud.

But when you come to my home studio, you may not realize the extent I suffer after being exposed to perfumes. Now I have had to include a note to every client, before they come to me for their fittings that says:

PS: due to allergies resulting in respiratory reactions:No perfumes/scented items. No fabrics or clothing with smoke residue. No fabric softeners or freshly dry cleaned items.Thanks, My lungs appreciate it.


There are some lovely signs out there that I might look into getting for my workspace.

And all of this was exacerbated in March due to off-gassing from synthetic interfacing I would never have purchased but it was brought to me by clients in a hurry – so thanks to my buddy Cat who gave me a couple of gas masks:

My fave style...



Oh, yeah. One more thing to think about when taking your clothes to be altered…Your clothes will be hung on a rack with likely a lot of  other peoples clothes. Even if they are in garment bags, all of the clothing smells like it’s owner. That is until they all frolic together on the rack and spread their scentiness to each other.

Nothing like a pile of clothing that smells like it’s been at a pub crawl in la belle province { oh wait, are they non smoking in clubs too now..?}

February 26, 2012:Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar

Eco-TAV will be once again participating as part of the TAV Creations/ Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun booth at the upcoming Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Knight’s of Columbus Hall, at 260 McArthur , between the Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard

Doors open from 12 to 4 p.m.

Free Admission and HOURLY DOOR PRIZES!

Check my Artisan line to see some of my existing stock – and I plan to make up some new pieces as well!

Winter 2012 sewing classes

Have you always wanted to learn how to sew?

The following classes will give you some basic information on hand and machine sewing, even if you don’t have a sewing machine !

Over 3 Saturday mornings, 2 hours per session, I’ll be teaching folks how to sew – with the assumption that you have no previous experience or just that high school class you took a few years back!

Learning to sew yourself is a great way to be more environmentally aware, repair things that can be salvaged, reuse things that need to be transformed!

Sign up soon if you would like to get sewing!


Learn how to hem your own pants, sew on your own buttons and the very basics of sewing! This course is based on hand work, with the option to bring in your sewing machine for the second class.

And once you’ve covered those basics, or perhaps you already know them, the level 2 course will take it up a notch!

Learning to sew yourself is a great way to be more environmentally aware, repair things that can be salvaged, reuse things that need to be transformed!


Learn to alter your clothes, install a zipper and general repairs. Hand and sewing machine work. Basic store bought patterns will be covered.

Info: Muslin will be provided and a basic zipper. Students may choose to bring in their own projects to work on. An information sheet will be provided upon registration or via email.

And after that:

Level 3 will take place in April 2012 – on the 14/21/28 – and details for it will be updated online closer to it!

Custom Bolero – Lacey goodness

The lovely Kathia left today with her wedding dress from Luxe Bridal and a custom made bolero by me/ TAV Creations.
I spent yesterday taking two separate pieces of French lace, incorporating them together and calling upon my haute couture training! Matching them as smoothly as possible, while making sure she had a bit of room to lift her arms but not too much- it’s the kind of challenge I live for.
And the priceless look of glee on her face as she saw it this morning and did the traditional ” dancing about “was well worth the hours of work !! Yay!




New Khadi line for Life Without Plastic


I’ve been happy to have connected with Chantal and Jay of from the early days of Eco-TAV. I had spoken with them when I was first getting rolling about helping them design a lunch bag, they were very early supporters of my line of Pouches and Napkins and have become my main retail partner!

My Blossom Bags were an early idea I had shown them, but was not quite what they were looking for at the time, so I created my own line of Artisan Blossom Bags, using reclaimed textiles and keeping them out of the organic fibre realm, just in case…

And this spring, Chantal and I played with the idea of creating the organic canvas line of Blossom Bags for LWP  – and you can check those out on their website here.  I was also pleased to brainstorm with her to create their line of Placemats with cutlery holder { I called them “CutleryMats”, but they have chosen more words :-D}  You should email them and tell them you think “Cutlery Mats” is a better name- hint hint!

And now, new fabric has arrived from India after much research and hunting, and this Khadi is beautiful.

Very soon, the first Khadi Blossom Bags and Cutlery Mats will be available at Life Without Plastic – so go sign up to their newsletter to find out when you can get your loved ones some Ottawa-made, environmentally -appreciative goodies for the upcoming holiday season! – and all year round!


Vintage EcoTAV sewing

Vintage EcoTAV sewing

This project connects the past to the present and the future as the bride took the gift of her grandmother’s veil, and has graciously divided it into matching pieces for her bridesmaids – all cousins and granddaughter’s of the matriarch in question.

Making 5 matching garter’s was the best way this bride could envision sharing this piece of history with her family and feel the energy passed on.  These ladies can wear them at each other’s future weddings, knowing their family ties are connected by the delicate threads creating these pretty pieces. Here are the finished 5 garters!

Finished Garters

Witches Gathering: October 29, 2011

Once again, Eco-TAV has contributed to the prizes in for the winning costumes!

Details from the Witches Gathering WEBSITE:

October 29, 2011

Doors Open: 7 PM

Traditional Wiccan Samhain Ritual: 8- 9 PM

Costume Contests/Drumming/Dancing/Libations: 9 PM – 12:30 AM

Dancing And Libations continue until 2 AM

Where is it?
Mavericks and Café Dekuf 
221 Rideau St. (near the corner of Rideau and Cumberland)
Ottawa ON


Sewing and selling- busy weekend ahead!

Have you wanted to learn how to do some basic sewing?

Saturday morning starts my 3 Saturday Level 1 session at the Routhier Community centre – where I’ll be teaching basics like sewing on a button, hemming pants and other fun stuff.  Save money by doing it yourself, or gain appreciation for how it’s done !

Details are HERE!

And then Sunday brings me to the Dancers’ Bazaar!

I’m restocking my Eco-TAV pouches, napkins and have a few gift bags and Blossom bags remaining from previous stock – think SALE!

There will also be a limited selection of ready made pieces in the dance costume realm – my main love for clothing is custom making it for you with your own ideas in mind, but i like to have a few pieces handy just to show some options and feed the quick purchase needs! Head over to my Artfire site for a preview- see the left sidebar and click on through!!

And hope to see you Sunday!


Eco-TAV/TAV Creations co-hosting a Sci-Fi Fundraiser?

Whats up with that?


As hobbies go, costuming, sci-fi, fantasy and all that kinda jazz is pretty much kid’s stuff for me.  As in, I’ve had an interest in dabbling in various realms of this ilk since childhood!

I’ve always loved costumes, and where do the most original pieces get their inspiration? sci-fi and fantasy  in my world!  Historical can be fun too, but really works best when a pair of teeth are added and suddenly it’s a little bit more…fun!  Or copying characters from a show, especially when I can make it a couple costume – that’s fun too!

Cap'n and Inara

3 years ago, my hubby {@wtl on Twitter} and I began volunteering at the Ottawa Browncoats CSTS event.  A movie screening, and some great raffle prizes and more.

Last year, we moved up the food chain to be more involved with the admin crew, and this year, only 3 of the previous admin crew were able to organize the 2011 event, so we welcomed new blood and shifted gears a bit, to take it more local and outside the realm of the CSTS.

Thus the Ottawa Serenity Charity Screening was born.

And we needed to reserve the theatre with a deposit, so my business stepped up.

Darner Media, the other Gold sponsor of the financial kind, will take care of the other half.  This freed up the Bicket sales to go almost completely to the charities.



Once we had settled the booking aspect, we were so pleased to have two more Gold Sponsors come aboard as prize sponsors! and are providing much of the goodies that will be given away in the form of raffle prizes, costume contest prizes and door prizes!  We also have some serious Friends of Serenity, local businesses who are donating prizes, gift certificates, and more to also be doled out to fabulous Ottawa Browncoats!

I have only a few events during the year to which I donate time or items. I’m a small business, I want the publicity – let’s be honest here – and the good will/ good karma that comes from donating!  But it’s really important for me to be giving to events/organizations/etc. that mean something to me.  And when I can do that, I’m giving 110%.  Or more…

As “chair” of this one, it’s so good to really be working with other like-minded souls who are giving it their all and doing what they can to make it such a great event.  The generous spirit of folk who are doing something that has meaning for them is contagious!

Next year, I hope to pass the torch to one of our newest Ottawa Browncoats Crew members . He’s young, enthusiastic and full of freshly found love of Firefly/Serenity, and if he’s up to it, he’ll make the 2012 event amazing as well.  We’ll be there to help, but I’ll be happy to step back from the constant juggling of promoting this event along with my other upcoming Dancer’s Bazaar and still amidst fall weddings, and potential fall artisan shows…. it’s a lot some days!

We all find our ways of giving back, and I hope to keep finding new ways to try, experience and enjoy!  Hope you do too!

Oh and the folks we are helping with this event are indicated above: iSisters and Equality Now – go check here for more info about these two organizations!

And maybe I’ll see you Sunday!



Fall 2011 Sewing lessons

Have you always wanted to learn how to sew?

The following classes will give you some basic information on hand and machine sewing, even if you don’t have  a sewing machine !

Over 3 Saturday mornings, 2 hours per session, I’ll be teaching folks how to sew – with the assumption that you have no previous experience or just that high school class you took a few years back!

Learning to sew yourself is a great way to be more environmentally aware, repair things that can be salvaged, reuse things that need to be transformed!

Sign up soon if you would like to get sewing!

    Sewing Level 1 – $50.00 plus HST


Learn how to hem your own pants, sew on your own buttons and the very basics of sewing! This course is based on hand work, with the option to bring in your sewing machine for the second class.

Register online or call 613-244-4470 for more info
Saturdays, October 15, 22, and 29, 2011 – 10:00 AM  to 12 noon
Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa, ON [Map]
Note: Check the Room location upon arrival – signs are inside the main entrances.


And once you’ve covered those basics, or perhaps you already know them, the level 2 course will take it up a notch!

Learning to sew yourself is a great way to be more environmentally aware, repair things that can be salvaged, reuse things that need to be transformed!

    Sewing Level 2 – $50.00 plus HST

Description:Learn to alter your clothes, install a zipper and general repairs. Hand and sewing machine work. Basic store bought patterns will be covered.

Info: Muslin will be provided and a basic zipper.  Students may choose to bring in their own projects to work on. An information sheet will be provided upon registration or via email.

Register online or call 613-244-4470 for more info
Saturdays, November 5- 19, 2011 – 10:00 AM  to 12 noon
Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa, ON [Map]
Note: Check the Room location upon arrival – signs are inside the main entrances.