Level 3 sewing

Implementing basic techniques based on those learned in levels 1 and 2, level 3 students will start and finish a basic project including zipper installation, seam finishing, some fitting skills and more. Please check the course descriptions for level 1 and 2 to ensure your basic knowledge is at the appropriate level. 

Project will be a simple skirt, either using the pattern indicated below or bringing in your own that has the following details: fitted waist with darts, waistband, zipper closure.

Students will then bring their own muslin, fashion fabric and supplies to create finished project. Students need access to sewing machine for homework.

Students will purchase on of the following or a similar pattern.

Butterick B5466

McCall’s M3830

Kwik Sew:K2957

These designs was chosen to give consistent training with some personalizing options.

Each student must have and bring to each class:


  • skirt pattern
  • scissors
  • pins
  • hand sewing needles
  • thread for both basting and matching their project fabric
  • ruler/straight edge
  • marking pencils or tailor’s chalk
  • note taking system { pen and paper/ ipod/ whatever}
  • Measuring tape {plus measurement sheet from level 2-provided for new folk}
  • Working sewing machine, if possible. For those who cannot bring their machine to class, one is provided for use in class.

Day 1: Bring all of the Basic Supplies plus at least 1 meter of muslin.

  • Pattern directions discussed.
  • Measurements applied.
  • Muslin cut, assembled and fitted. We’ll use sewing machine basting for this.
  • Fabric options discussed and shopping list created to be purchased by the student during the week. Fabric should also be pre-washed, if applicable, before bringing to class 2.

Day 2: Bring all of the Basic Supplies, plus your project fabric and supplies.

  • Muslin prepped for use as pattern.
  • Fabric cut and assembled by hand basting.
  • Project fitted and machine sewing begun.

Homework: sewing of basic seams that have been fitted in class and are ready to be sewn.

Day 3: Bring all of the Basic Supplies, plus your project fabric and supplies.
During this class your project will hopefully be finished.