Level 2 sewing

Learn to alter your clothes, install a zipper and general repairs. Hand and sewing machine work. Basic commercial patterns will be explained. Students are welcome to bring in their own patterns/projects for discussion.Supplies Provided: muslin, zipper for each person.


  • pen/pencil and paper for notes.
  • Basic sewing kit assembled during Level 1:

    Sewing kit  should contain:

    • GOOD fabric scissors
    • pins
    • hand sewing needles
    • thread for both basting and matching their project fabric
    • ruler/straight edge – at least 12 inches long
    • marking pencils or tailor’s chalk {yes, soap works too}
    • Measuring tape
  • sewing machine and attachments.

One machine will be provided for general use if you cannot bring your own, but everyone should make the effort to bring their machine to ensure a clear understanding of how to achieve the work on their own machine.

Day 1: Alterations and repairs
Fitting alterations – taking in seams, minor changes to fit.
Basic Measurements
Repairing and patching holes
sewing intersecting seams – straight and curved

Day 2: Patterns and Zippers
Patterns:How to read, applying measurements and general understanding.
Zippers: 2 methods for machine sewing.

Day 3: Review and Personal projects

Any specific requests will be addressed based on the class needs!

NOTE: if you have a piece of clothing you would like to repair or alter, bring it in and we’ll touch on how to do that particular project.

Possible topics:

Fabric types for various uses – patterns refer to fabrics – some examples of these can be brought in.
Deeper exploration of alterations if there is time!