If you decided early to go with a breathable fabric mask to reduce your impact on the environment and keep others safe – yay!
You may have purchased a Style 1E/1T TAVMask from me to help support an Ottawa based business, or you may have purchased from one of the many other awesome sewists who have been doing their part to try to help keep everyone a bit safer.
So, now it should be a 3 layer mask, but yours has no pocket to insert either a reusable or disposable filter!!! And you have a few of them!!
TAVMask Shaped Filter Insert $8.
I now have receive and can provide the appropriate polypropylene, but there are some suggestions that may help you add your own filter in the meantime:
In September 2020 this article was published by the University of British Columbia and it suggests dry baby wipes work well..
and the latest from Canada.ca
Filters add an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 by trapping small infectious particles. Consider wearing a mask that includes a filter or filter material as one of its layers, such as:
non-woven polypropylene fabric, which can be found as:
a craft fabric
the non-woven fabric that’s used to make some reusable shopping bags
a disposable filter inserted into a pocket on the mask
Reusable masks with a non-woven filter layer should be washed daily, and can be washed multiple times. Disposable filters should be changed daily or as directed by the manufacturer.